The Sketchbook Project


The images below are rough scans of my very first…and hopefully not last sketchbook for the Sketchbook Project was located in Brooklyn, NY. Unfortunately, I have received word that the Project is shutting down.

The title is “LAST IN LINE” which relates to the fact that I am the last in the line for my dad’s family name on his branch of the family tree. We can trace our roots on both sides of my family all the way back to the Scotland and England. There is even some royalty hanging out back there….but don’t lose your head over it!! (HINT)

LAST IN LINE on NYC Sketchbook Project Website

The second entry sent to the Sketchbook Project is “Drips & Drops”. I have been working through visuals involving the backs of street signs, spaces in the snow that sneak through and then electric/telephone poles. The result is this sketchbook. This sketchbook was unfortunately lost in a vehicle fire in transport from their former location in NYC to the new location in ST Pete Florida. It is only housed on their webpage collection thanks to the visuals I had scanned before sending it. They graciously uploaded my images as well as sent me a replacement sketchbook which I am currently working on as well. :) Here is the link to the “Drips and Drops” sketchbook on their site.

You can find “The Tale of Rene Rondolier” sketchbook here.




life with ae - youtube channel