I need to get better with this shit…..

hey hey hey!!!!……here we are again with a massive gaping hole in the blog-verse! nothing has been going on….nothing hasn’t happened …etc etc…..other than life! LOL……. I did get a new car which was nice….a treat for myself…. it has elevated my feelings about myself and life…and yes Know it is a material thing and shouldn’t matter in atet way….but guess what……it has………and I am so glad I made the choice to get it! :) there holy days tree is up…..the house has been decorates as much as it will be this year……I had grander hopes in what it will look like….but I decided not to get too out of whack etc…. soooooo…guess what kids…..thats it for now….but I am not leaving you empty…….. here the vid of the tree!!!! :)


well…I told you I wasn’t always good at this…..


the end is near…