back back back again!!!

Hi friends or whomever us reading this…..which I bet is about NO ONE! LOL….anyway…..I am back at it again and I really want to get better at this……I was watching the Netflix doc about the Cecil Hotel in LA and how the young lady that went missing and was later found had left such a trace of her life in the digital world that people felt they knew her all too well……and she just presented her, her feelings and her life for all to see….and they were just short little blips on Tumblr…nothing major……… but it is out there… is out there until the end of days….and her friends and family…and complete strangers can go out there and see her words….and still have her close to their hearts…….and it made me realize and think about what I put out there…..and this blog… doesnt have to be this long grandiose post about something… can just be me…checking in…..putting something out there….so that one day when I am no longer walking this earth…..there will be something left behind…. @


NYC Sketchbook Project


well…I told you I wasn’t always good at this…..